Velveteen Dream Defends Vince McMahon
Well, the vast reach of the WWE Universe has mixed opinions of WWE CEO Vince McMahon; and by reach, I mean a majority have a love/hate for him. Many feel that he is out of touch with the wrestling world; while others disagree, calling him a genius, even in this modern age. But for a man who even has detractors on his own roster, one such member came to his defense; the ever-popular Velveteen Dream.
After years of fans stating that McMahon had lost touch with his fan base, and especially after the eye-opening Jon Moxley interview on “Talk is Jericho”; Vince McMahon has made it clear that he hears the fans, but he still has a show to run. A point that “The Dream” hammered at in a recent Instagram story.
Never one to mince his words, Dream started out the defense of McMahon after posting up some promotional material in his story; even giving a shout out to Cathy Kelley in it. He started by saying “Let’s play a game…”, afterward asking if critiquing McMahon was fair since he wrote the show’s material; asking fans if they knew that the WWE was a TV show.
He would then answer his own question, saying that the show is run by McMahon as “the evil Boss (OnScreen) & Director of his TV shows (OffScreen).” He continued by mentioning that George Lucas directed his Star Wars franchise and that McMahon has directed WWE television for over 40 years.
You can see the story in the link below, which doesn’t have the promotional material added in the beginning:
Velveteen Dream’s Instagram Story
As of present time…
There has been no word on whether any stars have come up to counter Dream’s arguments, but based on the morale of the talent after Super Showdown; he may have some who would beg to differ. But, for the moment, Velveteen Dream seems to be one of the few who believes that McMahon still has a lot to give to the company.
Written by Gregory Black
Follow Gregory and TSJ: WWE on Twitter
Photo credit goes to WWE NXT, via Twitter
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