WWE 2K Story – Chapter Twelve, Part Three: Calming of a Storm
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The ring commentators welcome everyone to Fastlane as fireworks go off around the arena. Cole says this is the last stop before Wrestlemania, with the event about two weeks away! AJ Styles’ music hits as the crowd erupts! Styles and The Club hit the ring. Styles says it’s good to be back and thinks some people forgot who is headlining Wrestlemania. A.J. says while he’s been gone some craziness has gone down.
Styles says he’s glad he missed the Maelstrom, but wouldn’t miss the party. Styles points to the Wrestlemania sign and says his party is in two weeks when he becomes champion. A.J. reveals he will choose his Wrestlemania opponent tonight and remind everyone that this is the house that AJ Styles built!
NORMAL MATCH – WWE European Championship
(C) Rusev (with Lana) vs. Christian
Objective: Win with Christian
Tatanka, Brutus Beefcake, Tatsumi Fujinami & Larry Zbyszko are backstage talking about Beefcake’s cutters. Beefcake admits it’s a voodoo infected item. His cutters have the power to cut through anything. He says that’s how he helped Shane at Elimination Chamber, able to cut through the Masterlock. Triple H approaches and quickly sends Fujinami & Zbyszko through a time portal.
He tells Tatanka and Beefcake not to worry because he has a past history with both of them. Triple H claims that it’s only time before he rules WWE completely and offers them a choice. Triple H says he will put them in Wrestlemania to compete for a championship if they pledge their allegiance and loyalty to him. Beefcake asks what will happen if they refuse? Triple H admits that they will join their two friends that just left them. Tatanka and Beefcake look at one another and then ask which championship Triple H had in mind?
NORMAL MATCH – WWE Cruiserweight Championship
(C) TJP vs. Cedric Alexander (with The Brian Kendrick)
Objective: Win with Cedric Alexander
Kendrick helps Alexander win the championship, as the two celebrate in the ring after. TJP is livid and grabs a microphone, saying neither of them deserves to represent 205 at Wrestlemania. TJP says he will save the cruiserweight card, revealing he will use his rematch at Wrestlemania 33 to make the Cruiserweight Championship a Triple Threat Match. Kendrick suddenly drills Alexander in the back, reminding him they are opponents now, before locking in the Captain’s Hook. TJP laughs from the entrance ramp.
I Got My Match, Sucka
Dolph Ziggler is puking in a bucket. Booker T approaches and says, ‘tell me I did not just see that!’ Ziggler tells Booker to leave because Dolph is sick and dangerous. Booker tells Dolph he just came by to reveal that Triple H put Booker T in the World Heavyweight Championship Match at Wrestlemania. Booker says he would normally jump Dolph right now, but claims he doesn’t want to get sick.
Dolph gets up and in Booker’s face, saying Booker really just doesn’t want to find out what Dolph can do to him. Booker is ambushed by Stunning Steve Austin! Austin is upset Booker attacked him after their match and calls this payback. Dolph grabs Austin by the throat and tosses him across the room. Dolph is clearly exhausted and leaves the locker room panting.
NORMAL TAG TEAM MATCH – WWE Raw Tag Team Championship
(C) Authors of Pain vs. The New Day
Objective: Win with The New Day
The New Day is jumped after the match by Randy Savage and Eddie Guerrero. They hit their patent Elbow Drop-Frog Splash combo onto each New Day member. They tell New Day that since arriving in the future, they have realized they are an unstoppable force. Eddie challenges New Day for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship at Wrestlemania with the arena chanting ‘Yes!’ Savage lets out an ‘OH YEEEEEEEAH!’ and leave New Day beaten in the ring.
The Queen Arrives
Stephanie arrives in a limo. She meets her husband, confirming Jinder is losing strength but still has plenty of it remaining much like Ziggler. Triple H says he already booked Dolph into a Wrestlemania match, so Shane’s partner will be out-powered by both he and Mahal. They kiss, believing their plan to be full proof.
Stephanie says that after Wrestlemania, they will truly run WWE. She claims no one can interfere with their actions – not Cena, Vince, the WWE Board of Directors or Shane. They kiss again and hold hands walking backstage. Stephanie thanks Hunter for not teleporting to meet her at the limo.
NORMAL MATCH – WWE United States Championship
(C) Mr. Perfect vs. Curtis Axel
Objective: Win with Curtis Axel
The Miz runs down to celebrate with Curtis. Axel is a bit confused why Miz has been helping him all of a sudden and decides to call Miz out on it. Miz admits he was jealous of seeing someone who is clearly ‘below him’ get a title match so close to Wrestlemania. He says that he has successfully groomed Axel into a champion.
Miz wants his piece of credit for Axel’s success and demands a United States Championship match. Axel laughs and says Miz can talk to Shane or Stephanie because Axel isn’t the general manager. Axel leaves but Miz hits him with a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz leaves the ring upset he didn’t get the answer he was looking for.
Nostalgic Reminiscing
Edge is talking with WWE Smackdown Women’s champion Trish Stratus backstage. They both talk about how they are married now and reminisce on the past. WWE European Champion Christian walks by and gloats that he is a champion and Edge isn’t. Christian also winks at Trish and recalls the time they turned on Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania.
Christian tells Trish to admit she enjoyed it. Trish is creeped out and leaves as Edge calls Christian a piece of trash. A WWE official runs up to Edge and whispers in his ear. Christian asks what’s going on, as Edge says his wife is here. Edge bolts as Christian admires his new belt.
NORMAL TAG TEAM MATCH – WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship
(C) #DIY vs. The Natural Disasters
Objective: Win with #DIY
Nikki and Brie Bella are backstage with many of the other women. They all give Nikki their condolences after Cena was sent into a time portal. Nikki claims she knows John and believes he’ll make it back okay. Stephanie walks by and says that John really left because he was afraid to marry Nikki. Stephanie tells Nikki and Brie to go home because there is nothing here for either of them.
Nikki says Stephanie is wrong, and she was asked back by Shane. Stephanie asks why, to which Nikki reveals Shane is putting her and her sister in a Wrestlemania match. Stephanie congratulates Nikki and Brie on their return, before commenting that it would be terrible for their fate to be similar to Cena’s.
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH – WWE Universal Championship
(C) Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman
Objective: Win with Roman Reigns
Braun and Brock are so obsessed with beating each other they continue to brawl after the match. They fight all the way into the backstage area, and even go outside the arena into oncoming traffic! Paul Heyman chases them out of the arena, screaming from Brock to come back.
Roman is watching this from the ring, laughing. AJ Styles’ music hits as he comes out on stage. AJ points to the Wrestlemania sign, confirming he has chosen Reigns. Suddenly, The Club attack Roman from behind. They hit the Magic Killer on Reigns and then ‘Too Sweet’ before retreating to AJ.
My Wife, To Be
Edge runs into the women’s locker room, which makes all the women scream and run. Carmella grabs pepper spray, so Edge closes the door. He is disappointed and turns to see Beth Phoenix! He hugs Beth and says it’s great to see her. Beth stops him and pushes him off. She admits Edge is cute but says they barely know each other. Edge is confused, saying they are married and have children.
This freaks Beth out as she runs away. Edge is confused as Stephanie approaches. She laughs and claims Beth plays hard to get. Edge asks what is going on, as Stephanie reveals she brought Beth back to compete at Wrestlemania. Edge says his wife is done with wrestling, but Stephanie says the Beth Phoenix he just spoke to isn’t his wife… yet. Edge realizes Stephanie brought Beth through a time portal as she walks away.
(C) Ultimate Warrior vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
Objective: Win with Sami Zayn by pinning Kevin Owens
Sami turns on Kevin again and wins the WWE Championship. Kevin is livid and asks Sami what the hell he was thinking? Zayn headbutts Owens and begins brutally beating him down. Zayn admits he told Triple H that Owens wanted to separate himself from Hunter. Sami says he made a deal with Triple H and that if he won the WWE Championship he would cut ties with Owens.
To Save A Prizefighter
Sami hits Owens with a Helluva Boot before walking off with his new championship. The lights turn off and on again, as Triple H is in the ring. He smiles at Owens and begins to open a time portal with his hands. Sting ’91 runs down to save Kevin, but Triple H sends Sting through the portal easily. Triple H turns the portal to Owens, but Ultimate Warrior tosses Owens out of the way and sacrifices himself instead.
This stuns both Triple H and Owens, as the lights turn off and on again. Shane appears and confronts Triple H. Shane grabs Owens as the lights turn off and on again, they are gone. Triple H is not happy Shane, Sting and Warrior saved Owens but is intrigued that he sent Warrior & Sting away.
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Photo Credit: Chris Fodor via YouTube