WWE 2K Story – Chapter Eight, Part Four: Survival of the Fittest
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Monday Night Raw
Vince McMahon and his daughter Stephanie are already in the ring when the show starts. Vince wants to welcome the newest Team McMahon participant for Survivor Series, and the person teaming with Andre & Diesel in the 6-Man Elimination Tag Team Match, JBL! JBL heads down to the ring, with the same item from before in his hand. Vince hugs JBL and asks for whatever item is in JBLs hand, as JBL gives it to Vince.
Braun’s music suddenly hits as he heads for the ring. Vince and Stephanie leave the ring quickly, as Braun enters and flattens JBL before grabbing a microphone. The Monster Among Men tells Vince he wants Kevin Owens and the WWE Championship back, but not before he ends McMahon. Braun says he will destroy Vince’s team single handily, and that no one can stop him. Vince seems unimpressed and decides to put Braun in a match against JBL next.
NORMAL MATCH (turn entrance OFF)
Braun Strowman vs. JBL
Objective: Win with Braun Strowman
Immediately after the match, Andre the Giant and Diesel are in the ring beating down Strowman. The lights go out as a loud ‘gong’ is heard. The lights turn on as Kane and Undertaker are in the ring. A big brawl breaks out where Kane & Undertaker clean the ring out. Andre, JBL & Diesel retreat up the entrance ramp, but Bobby Heenan is trapped in the ring. Heenan pleads for Undertaker not to hurt him, but Braun picks him up and hits him with a Running Powerslam. Andre is devastated on the entrance ramp, looking on helplessly.
Tough Love
Samoa Joe is in his locker room taping his wrists. WWE Universal Champion Kurt Angle enters and tries to convince him to join Team WWE at Survivor Series. Joe tells Kurt he doesn’t take sides in some stupid corporate war. Joe tells Kurt that the last time he trusted someone he got stabbed in the back. Kurt chastises Joe, telling him to get over whatever AJ did to him. He claims AJ had good intentions and that Joe should stop being selfish to see the bigger picture. Joe gets in Kurt’s face and asks him if he thinks he is stupid?
Kurt says absolutely because if Joe wasn’t stupid he would’ve already joined Team WWE. Angle complains he is wasting time talking to a selfish person and leaves, as Joe looks on frustrated. Angle walks out of the locker room as he is suddenly attacked by Jinder Mahal. Mahal beats Angle down, yelling about how AJ Styles will destroy him tonight. Jinder throws Kurt through a bunch of boxes and tells him that the Maharaja would love nothing more than to reclaim his championship, but he has bigger plans. Jinder leaves as Angle tries to recover from the Mahal jumping.
WWE Light Heavyweight Champion Tyson Kidd (with Natalya) vs. British Bulldog
Objective: Win with Tyson Kidd
Kidd cheats to win with the help of Natalya, as Bulldog is not happy. He walks over to Kidd and applies the Sharpshooter onto him. Natalya grabs the ring bell and drills Bulldog in the back of the head with it, causing him to bleed. Natalya grabs Tyson as the two runs from ringside, as medics check on Bulldog.
The New Day are walking around backstage, dancing and eating cereal. The lights go out and turn back on as blood is on the wall and a fake unicorn severed head on the ground. The New Day scream as Xavier says the Wyatts must not be far. Xavier proclaims they are not afraid. Goldust comes from behind the three, which scares the crap out of New Day.
Big E yells at Goldust, who apologizes. Goldust says he is in a crossroads on what to do. He knows what is right, but also is afraid of what Vince is capable of. New Day put Goldust in his place, telling him that an entire locker room is prepared to go to war with Vince McMahon while Goldust continues to hide. Big E tells Goldust he needs to grow a pair. They ask Goldust about the beating he took from Vince’s goons, which Goldust reveals he didn’t get hurt too bad because he told Vince what he wanted to hear.
NXT Tag Team Champion Authors of Pain vs. TM61
Objective: Win with A.O.P.
A.O.P. beat down TM61 after the match, as Roderick Strong and Kassius Ohno come out to try and make a save. Before the can reach the ring, Sanity comes from the audience and attacks Strong & Ohno. WWE Hardcore Champion Mankind comes out and attacks Killian Dain. A big brawl breaks out as security and backstage officials have to come out to break it all up.
Vince is in his office with Stephanie as they marvel over the item JBL got for them earlier. WWE Universal Champion Kurt Angle storms in angry, asking to fight Jinder Mahal. Vince reminds Kurt he has a championship match tonight against AJ Styles, as he then begins to tease Kurt over the fact that he is losing control and will lose Sunday at Survivor Series. Kurt tells Vince he will break Jinder’s ankle, but first, he will break AJ’s.
Davey Boy Goodbye
Kurt leaves furiously as Natalya and Light Heavyweight Champion Tyson Kidd come running in. Tyson is out of breath asking for help, as Bulldog drills him from behind. Vince orders the fight to stop, but Bulldog doesn’t listen. Bulldog hits Tyson a few more times, then picks him up ready for a Running Powerslam. A beam of light drills Bulldog as he is sucked into the said light. The light is coming from Papa Shango’s top hat, apparently the item JBL gave Vince earlier.
Stephanie is holding the hat, covering it after Bulldog was sent through. Natalya asks Stephanie what the hell she was thinking, as Stephanie said Bulldog wasn’t stopping so she panicked. Natalya is more concerned that she could’ve sucked Tyson through the portal, but Stephanie says she has no regrets as Bulldog is gone.
Vince tells Stephanie they need to get the 20th championship soon and hands Stephanie a piece of paper. Vince says that Goldust wrote down all the information on the final belt. Stephanie believes Goldust may be lying, which Vince agrees with but they don’t have any other leads. Stephanie agrees and leaves as Vince smiles as if his plan has finally come full circle.
NORMAL MATCH – WWE Universal Championship
(C) Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles (with WWE Raw Tag Team Champion The Club)
Objective: Win with AJ Styles
The Club tries to interfere after the match, but The Fashion Police come down to help. The Bar comes down to attack The Fashion Police, but they are saved by all three members of the Titus Brand!
A Total Diva
John Cena is backstage talking with Naomi, Becky Lynch, and Bayley. They all mention different reasons as to why they want to fight Natalya’s team in the 8-Women Elimination Tag Team Match at Survivor Series. Bayley wants to fight her former friend Sasha Banks, who is revealed to be on Natalya’s team. Becky points out they only have three women though, and they need four.
John says that he appreciates all the passion the women have for the WWE and that their bravery has not gone unnoticed. John tells them he found a fourth member for their match. A limo pulls up as John says ‘right on time.’ He opens the door as his fiancé Nikki Bella steps out! The three other women greet and hug Nikki, welcoming her back. John hugs and kisses Nikki, saying he is proud of her for returning and stepping up. They kiss again.
Smackdown Live
New WWE Universal Champion AJ Styles comes out with WWE Raw Tag Team Champion The Club. AJ brags about his championship, saying things have actually been good for him since joining the McMahons. His celebration is short lived when Samoa Joe comes out on stage. Joe congratulates Styles on his victory but claims he would be champion by now if he turned on AJ sooner.
Joe tells AJ that he is officially joining Team WWE at Survivor Series. AJ laughs, saying that’s fine because AJ already has a match and won’t fight Joe. Joe says that may be true, but he and his Survivor Series partner want a match against the WWE Raw Tag Team Champions tonight. AJ accepts on behalf of The Club and wonders who would team with Joe at Survivor Series. Finn Balor’s music hits as he comes out.
WWE Raw Tag Team Champion The Club vs. Samoa Joe & Finn Balor
Objective: Win with Samoa Joe & Finn Balor
WWE Undisputed Champion The Miz, his entourage and WWE Intercontinental Champion Bobby Roode come out on stage after the match. Miz congratulates Joe & Finn on their win, but say he and Roode are better than The Club. Miz warns Joe & Balor that they will not stand a chance against two of the most stylish, handsome and overall superior competitors in WWE today. Roode hits a glorious pose as Miz claims their victory on Sunday will be gloriously awesome.
Backstage in Shane’s office, Shane reveals to Neville he has a one-on-one match tonight against WWE Cruiserweight & NXT Champion Hideo Itami. Neville leaves satisfied as The Titus Brand enter. They are still upset about being attacked by The Bar and The Club a week ago, and say they want to join Team WWE at Survivor Series. Titus says he foolishly thought joining Vince would do good for his career, but after this year’s events, he now sees Vince just uses people for his own agenda.
Shane says despite their past affiliation with his father, they have shown true passion for themselves and the WWE. He adds Apollo Crews to the Hardcore Championship Match and adds Titus & Darren to join the Fashion Police against The Bar and The Club in the 8-Man Last Man Standing Elimination Tag Team Match. Shane tells them to make him proud and to get their revenge on Sunday.
Ric Flair ’91 vs. Eric Young (with Killian Dain, NXT Women’s Champion Nikki Cross & Alexander Wolfe)
Objective: Win with Ric Flair
After the match, Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte joins her father in the ring and hugs him. Ric reveals he was brought back by one of Kane’s fireballs earlier in the night, not exactly sure what’s going on but was told by Kane that his daughter needed help. Charlotte is immediately attacked by NXT Champion Nikki Cross, but Ember Moon comes out to get Nikki!
Stephanie McMahon comes from behind with Shango’s hat and points it towards Ember Moon. Ric pushes Ember out of the way and is hit with the beam of light, being sent through the time portal again. Stephanie covers Shango’s hat and looks shocked she hit Flair instead. Charlotte stares at Stephanie, who hightails it out of the ring. Charlotte begins to cry after actually now witnessing her father sucked through. Ember comforts her in the ring.
Can We Trust Him?
Randy Orton approaches The Shield backstage, revealing they have a match tonight. Seth says he has to go check on something and leaves. Orton asks Dean & Roman if Seth has been acting weird lately, as Dean admits Seth has been a loner lately with the point in case as he just took off without telling anyone where he was going. Randy tells The Shield they need to go ahead and kick Seth out now, but Roman questions why Randy is so quick to pull a trigger. Orton says these are dangerous times, and he doesn’t want to get stuck in another time period. Randy tells Roman & Dean he trusts they will do what is right if Seth does decide to stab them in the back at Survivor Series. Orton leaves as Dean & Roman look at one another.
Nikki Bella (with John Cena) vs. Emma
Objective: Win with Emma
WWE Universal Champion AJ Styles and WWE Raw Tag Team Champion The Club attack John at ringside during the match. This distracts Nikki as Emma picks up the win. They throw John in the ring and hit a Magic Killer on him. AJ puts Cena in a Calf Crusher while the Club holds him down. While applying the Calf Crusher, AJ reveals as champion he can fight whenever and whoever he wants. AJ says he doesn’t feel like taking on a big-time champion like John Cena at Survivor Series.
AJ says he found a replacement looking to get back into the picture, as Dolph Ziggler’s music hits! Ziggler is back and he walks to the ring with very little emotion. He smirks at John when he enters the ring, sarcastically asking if he remembers him? Ziggler Superkicks John and tells everyone he is back to prove to Vince and the entire McMahon family they chose right when they picked him to be their champion. Dolph drops the microphone and walks off as The Club admire the damaged Cena.
A Fourth Teammate
Emma is walking backstage as she is stopped by Natalya. Natalya says she was impressed with Emma tonight and asks if she wants another chance to prove to the McMahons that she is worthy, believing Emma has been hiding from Vince since losing the NXT Women’s Championship. Emma says of course, as Natalya offers her a spot to join her team at Survivor Series. Emma accepts, saying it will be just as enjoyable beating Nikki Bella on Sunday as it was tonight. Natalya smiles and tells Emma she’ll see her Sunday.
WWE Cruiserweight & NXT Champion Hideo Itami (with TJP & The Brian Kendrick) vs. Neville (with Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa)
Objective: Win with Neville
WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte is backstage walking around crying. WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champion Kane sees this and becomes upset. Undertaker asks why Kane is so rattled, as Kane says he helped Charlotte not long ago and wants to help her again. Kane turns and finds JBL’s limo! He opens it, but Papa Shango is nowhere in the limo. Kane says that Shango must’ve used his invisible cloak to sneak out. Undertaker suggests they destroy JBL’s limo. Kane agrees and sets it on fire. The fire burns out and JBL’s limo isn’t even scratched. Undertaker determines the limo is indestructible and can’t be destroyed.
Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins vs. WWE Champion Kevin Owens, WWE United States Champion Sami Zayn & Jinder Mahal
Objective: Win with Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins
The Shield win the match as Randy Orton comes out to celebrate with his Survivor Series team. Orton raises Roman Reigns’ hand, then hits him with an RKO out of nowhere! Rollins and Ambrose are stunned, but Mahal hits Rollins with a Khallas and Owens hits the Popup Powerbomb on to Ambrose before they can react.
Orton then grabs a few chairs and passes them out as the four continue to beat down The Shield. After minutes of a beating with a chair, Orton raises his hand with the three as Owens announces the fourth member of Team McMahon in the 8-Man Elimination Tag Team Match at Survivor Series… Randy Orton! Orton poses as the crowd boos. The ring commentators realize that Team WWE is down a man for the 8-Man Elimination Tag Team Match at Survivor Series.
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Photo Credit: WWE via WWE.com