WWE 2K Story – Chapter Seven: Monsters Among Men
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Halloween Havoc
Vince wakes up in his office to see the destruction caused. Undertaker grabs Vince by the throat, asking what he has done? Vince says this was all Papa Shango’s doing, but Undertaker is referring to seeing his older self in the past (revealing the Wyatt’s sent The Undertaker through a time portal after their Wrestlemania match). Undertaker reveals to Vince he knows what he is up to and is here to put an end to all of it. Undertaker tells Vince he will destroy Papa Shango tonight, and put an end to all the voodoo curses in the WWE. He drops Vince as he recollects his breath. Everyone is else in the room is still knocked out.
Kurt Angle is running through the arena hallways, as he sees Halloween Havoc posters everywhere. Angle realizes they traveled to the past when Undertaker’s Urn opened. He runs into Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa. Ciampa wants his rematch immediately, but Angle is freaking out over the time period change. Tommaso calms Angle down and explains that the sooner they get all the championships away from Vince’s goons, the better. Angle agrees and schedules Ciampa for his rematch tonight.
Angle says they may as well have Monday Night Raw’s matches tonight, and says he may not have any power following this evening. Ciampa & Gargano leave as Angle turns around to an awaiting Trish Stratus. She wants another match against Asuka, but Kurt says no. Trish says she will just go ask Vince next, so Kurt says he may as well go ahead and schedule the match. Kurt reluctantly agrees, but makes it a Tables Match and says Trish can’t have anyone at ringside to help her. Angle walks off as Stratus doesn’t look too pleased.
NORMAL MATCH – WWE Light Heavyweight Championship
(C) Tyson Kidd vs. Tommaso Ciampa
Objective: Win with Tyson Kidd
Shango’s History
Kurt storms into Vince’s office and wants to know what exactly is going on? Vince comes clean about everything to Kurt. He tells Kurt that Papa Shango is responsible for all the voodoo curses in WWE history. Vince reveals when he first introduced Papa Shango to the world, many WWE Board members felt Shango was too dangerous and wanted him gone. Vince says he hid Shango from his fellow WWE employers and fans by giving him a new identity within the WWE.
He claims he did it in order to keep Shango and his powers within his own reach. Vince claims Shango has undertaken many identities throughout WWE history, just so Vince could use his powers for personal benefit. Vince brings up many infamous matches and moments throughout WWE’s past in which the outcome or future was directly affected by one of Shango’s infected items (2014 Elimination Chamber, 1997 Bad Blood, 1993 Money Inc.’s briefcase shatters Beefcake’s nose, etc…).
McMahon claims he has been the one writing WWE’s history and now he plans to take complete control of it without the fear of any interference. Vince says that once he collects all the championship belts he’s going to throw them into the curse chamber, so Shango can perform the powerful spell that the belts harness. Vince tells Kurt the only reason he is telling him all of this now is that after tonight Kurt will lose his ‘false’ power. He reminds Kurt that he will be fighting Andre the Giant tonight, and he hopes he never has to see him again. Vince laughs and walks off as Kurt looks scared.
TABLES MATCH – WWE Raw Women’s Championship
(C) Asuka vs. Trish Stratus
Objective: Win with Asuka
Stephanie is watching the match on a TV backstage, muttering that Asuka may be the toughest opponent they have to face. The lights go out. Stephanie yells at Bray that he should be focusing on his WWE Championship match instead of playing mind games. Papa Shango comes out of the darkness instead. Shango tells Stephanie that he is not happy about being exposed, claiming that his other identities in the past and present are now jeopardized. Shango tells Stephanie that he will not endanger his own existence in the WWE.
Stephanie says she understands Shango’s concern, but they knew this would happen the closer they got to reaching their goal. Shango says they are still very far away from their goals. Stephanie begs to differ, saying they have all 20 championships in the same place. She suggests they need to throw them into the curse chamber and perform the ritual. Shango, a bit more pleased now, tells Stephanie they need to move quickly as Undertaker is around and looking to destroy him. He tells Stephanie he will take care of Undertaker tonight, but she needs to get the 20 championships into the curse’s chamber soon. Shango disappears as the lights turn back on. Stephanie looks concerned before scurrying off.
NORMAL MATCH – WWE Championship
(C) Braun Strowman vs. Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper & Erick Rowan)
Objective: Win with Braun Strowman
Harper and Rowan try to attack Strowman after the match, but Strowman out powers them. Bray enters the ring ready to attack, but Braun grabs him first. Braun screams in Bray’s face, but the lights go out. They turn back on and the Wyatt’s are gone.
Vince is in his office trying to diffuse an argument between WWE Hardcore Champion Mankind, Cactus Jack ’92 and Dude Love. They all think they should be the Hardcore Champion, claiming to be the best Mick Foley persona in WWE history. Vince calms them down after Cactus Jack throws a lamp at a squealing Mankind, while Dude Love dances. Vince says they can all fight each other for the Hardcore Championship sometime next week, not seeing an issue with whoever wins. He gets a text from Stephanie and excuses himself. He walks out of the office as the lights go out.
A Scary Situation
Papa Shango appears again, telling Vince they are running out of time. Vince tells Papa they almost have all the championships. Shango says that’s good, but asks how Vince can trust that all the other champions will give him the belts that they possess? Vince has faith in his warriors, but Shango is a bit more concerned. Shango tells Vince it would be a shame if they failed, after coming so close for so many years… decades.
Shango creepily touches Vince’s face as the lights turn back on. Shango is gone. Vince is clearly freaked out and walks down the hallway. He enters a locker room where DDP ’98 and Bam Bam Bigelow are, saying he has a mission for them. Baron Corbin comes into the scene as well, as Vince calls him over to be part of the plan.
HELL IN A CELL MATCH – WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship
(C) Natalya vs. Charlotte Flair
Objective: Win with Charlotte Flair
Kurt Angle is changing in his locker room, as Randy Orton comes in. He wishes Angle good luck and tells Kurt that he likes his odds tonight. Kurt calls Orton crazy, claiming he may have gold medals from the Olympics but that he has never faced a man as big as Andre the Giant. Orton tells Kurt that a lot of people have his back tonight, including some new faces. Kurt doesn’t understand, but Orton only wishes him good luck and leaves as Angle looks on very confused by the Viper’s words.
Papa Shango vs. Undertaker ’91
Objective: Win with Undertaker ’91
After the match, Kane’s music and fire start as the Big Red Machine from 1998 hits the ring. He has his brothers urn in his hand! He hands Undertaker his urn, as apparently, Orton gave it to Kane earlier who used it to bring his younger-self back to help fight. They look at Papa Shango on the mat and decide to send Shango through the urn, very far into the past. The lights go out and turn back on as Bray Wyatt is in the ring. The lights turn off and back on, as both Wyatt and Shango are gone. Undertaker & Kane look around, then hug and do their trademark poses in the ring. Undertaker likes Kane’s idea to get his 1998-self and says he is going to do the same.
Stephanie enters Vince’s office, telling her father that they need to start collecting the belts for Shango. Vince agrees and says he is on top of it. Vince says he will call NXT Tag Team Champion Enzo & Cass to the main roster whenever they get back in present time. He says they’ll have all the power to themselves once Andre beats Kurt tonight and that the WWE Board of Directors won’t send anybody else. He adds that once the curse is complete all the champions can have their belts back, so that should make taking them away a bit easier for some.
Kurt Angle ’06 vs. Andre the Giant (with Bobby Heenan)
Objective: Win with Kurt Angle by submission
Heenan tries repeatedly to interfere in the match, but Randy Orton comes down to even the odds. Andre quickly takes care of Orton, sending him into the audience. Suddenly, John Cena’s music hits as Cena comes out onto the stage!
Return of the Leaders
Cena waits as then Shane McMahon’s music hits! Shane comes out on stage also! The duo comes down to the ring, as Andre’s attention (including the referee) is all on Cena and Shane. Angle low blows Andre then puts him in the Ankle Lock! After minutes of fighting, Andre finally taps out! Angle wins the match! Cena, Shane, and Orton hit the ring after, as Orton claims he and Cena made a plan before Cena left.
Orton reveals they agreed on a rendezvous point in a certain time period if they ever returned to the past. Orton says 1998 was always the ‘checkpoint’ for John’s return. Cena tells Kurt he found Shane in DX’s greatest year, 1998 (claiming he figured that’s what Triple H was thinking of when he opened the urn – believing Hunter to always be thinking of his ‘glory days’). John believes they now have the numbers on their side.
Here We Go
Vince appears on the big screen, congratulating John and his son Shane on finding their ways back home but claims it’s too late. The camera pans out the show DDP, Bam Bam Bigelow, WWE Hardcore Champion Mankind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack ’92, WWE Cruiserweight & NXT Champion Hideo Itami, Erick Rowan, Luke Harper & Baron Corbin. Vince releases his arms forward and commands his army to attack. The superstars hit the ring ready to assault Orton, Angle, Cena, and Shane.
The lights go out and a loud gong is heard. Fire shoots out of the ring posts as both Undertaker (’98) & Kane ’98 are in the ring with the urn. A big brawl breaks out where Undertaker uses the urn to send Bam Bam Bigelow, DDP & Baron Corbin through the time portal! WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champion The Hart Foundation comes in out of nowhere and begins to assault Undertaker, who drops the urn. Angle tries to pick the urn up but the portal is too wide open, beginning to suck the entire arena through the time portal.
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Photo Credit: Braun Strowman Facts via Twitter