WWE 2K Story – Chapter Three, Finale: An Extreme Risk for an Extreme Reward
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ECW One Night Stand
Lesnar heads to the back to find Paul Heyman. Cena tells Roman the good news is they didn’t go too far back into the past. The bad news is that Cena doesn’t think this is the time period Triple H sent Shane. Triple H comes out on to the stage and blames Cena for sending them back into another time period. Cena says he won’t regret it if they find Shane. Triple H tells John they won’t find Shane here, as he was sent to a different time period than where they are now (confirming Cena’s thought).
Triple H says they have a show to put on regardless, and decides Monday Night Raw’s matches will be held tonight. He asks Cena for the urn so they can go home quickly, but Cena doesn’t have it. Triple H immediately thinks Heyman must have it due to their current location, which John doesn’t understand. Stephanie approaches Triple H and whispers into his ear. His eyes get big and he excuses himself, telling John to follow Brock and find the urn.
(C) Bobby Roode vs. Roddy Strong
Objective: Win with Roddy Strong
Backstage, Triple H and Stephanie enter a room that has much old equipment in it. They find various hardcore items, but one spots Triple H’s eye. He pulls an item out of a sealed box, revealing it to be the old WWE Hardcore Championship. Stephanie says that they may actually need Undertaker’s Urn after all, in order to get the rest of ‘them’. Cole, Graves, and Saxton question what Stephanie and Hunter are implying, or even doing?
Renee Young is interviewing WWE Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor backstage. Finn says he won’t let an upset happen to him tonight against Darren Young, claiming we just saw one. Bobby Roode overhears this and gets in Finn’s face. Roode calls Balor a phony, and not nearly as glorious as he is. Balor points out he’s the only one with a belt standing around, which Roode blames the venue by claiming it’s not a glorious place to wrestle in. Roode leaves furious. Finn laughs and tells Renee he’s feeling way more glorious than Bobby right now.
NORMAL MATCH – WWE Raw Women’s Championship
(C) Alexa Bliss (with Nia Jax & Tamina) vs. Asuka
Objective: Win with Asuka
Triple H and Stephanie return to their office, not happy at the past two results. Triple H reveals that The Titus Brand asked for Ciampa’s match against Gargano to be a Last Man Standing Match, which Triple H confirms Gallows & Anderson enter the office, not happy they lost to American Alpha again. They ask for another shot, but Triple H says they have someone in mind already. Suddenly, The Usos jump Gallows & Anderson beating them outside the office. They drag both Gallows & Anderson to the arena doors and toss them outside. Triple H, slowly following the action, says ‘ good riddance.’ He turns to The Usos and gives them a hard look before leaving. The Usos seem satisfied and lock the arena doors from the inside.
NORMAL MATCH – WWE Intercontinental Championship
(C) Finn Balor vs. Darren Young (with Titus O’Neil)
Objective: Win with Darren Young
Darren Young is in disbelief he won, running out of the ring and celebrating with O’Neil. Roode comes from behind a recovering Balor and begins to beat him down. He calls for the Glorious DDT, but both Samoa Joe & Randy Orton run down to stop Roode. Roode retreats out of the ring and backs up the entrance ramp, laughing at the fact Finn Balor lost his championship.
Backstage, Dolph Ziggler and Big Show are discussing a game plan. They agree on most until they get to the part where someone has to win. They argue over who it should be as Stephanie steps in saying it should be both of them. She reminds them that if one of them wins, they both win. Ziggler tells Show to stay out of his way before leaving.
LAST MAN STANDING MATCH – WWE Cruiserweight Championship
(C) Tommaso Ciampa vs. Johnny Gargano
Objective: Win with Gargano
The Titus Brand comes out after the match, but Gargano escapes with his new championship. He celebrates in the crowd, while Titus and Young try to wake Ciampa up from the beating he took.
Brotherly Love
In the locker room, WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens is approached by Sami Zayn. The two hug and Owens thanks Sami again for helping him at Extreme Rules. Sami says he is just happy his best friend is safe and sound. Owens tells Sami he made a right decision since Sami’s actions have put Zayn in tonight’s main event.
Owens tells Sami he has all the confidence in him to win tonight and leaves for his match. After a moment, Zayn is approached by Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. They understand Sami was just helping his friend at Extreme Rules, but if he tries anything funny on Roman tonight they will come for him. Sami brushes it off and tells them they should leave because unlike them, he actually has a match to prepare for.
NORMAL MATCH – WWE United States Championship
(C) Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles
Objective: Win with Kevin Owens
In the backstage office, Paul Heyman approaches Triple H & Stephanie. He asks what it is they found earlier tonight, which Stephanie says is none of his business. Paul wants to make a trade. He offers Undertaker’s Urn for the Hardcore Championship they found. Stephanie declines, saying the belt is far more valuable. Triple H wants to consider the deal, but Stephanie tells Hunter he needs to get over the urn as it causes more trouble than it actually helps. Triple H says they need to get home eventually, so Stephanie tells Paul to bring the urn into their office or he’ll end up like Gallows & Anderson. Heyman leaves as Triple H reminds Stephanie they need the urn to collect the rest of their ‘prizes’ as well.
(C) Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Big Show
Objective: Win with Daniel Bryan
After the match, Ziggler pushes Big Show blaming him for the loss. Show KO Punches Ziggler and leaves the ring.
FATAL-4-WAY MATCH – WWE Universal Championship
(C) Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Sami Zayn
Objective: Win with Sami Zayn
Zayn wins the match as United States Champion Kevin Owens comes down to congratulate his friend. Sami, skeptical because of what happened last time he won a championship, looks at Owens with uncertainty. Owens grabs Zayn and hugs him, confirming they are indeed on the same page. He raises Zayn’s hand as The Shield comes out. Owens and Zayn quickly duck the ring and head back up the ramp, with two big smiles on their faces.
Heyman Plays His Hand
In the backstage office, Heyman delivers the urn as promised just as Lesnar walks in. Brock tells Heyman he wants out. Heyman tells Brock they are about to go back home, but Brock says he is done with everything. Brock says he can make more money in UFC then playing fairytale stories with everyone here. Lesnar tells Heyman to open the urn and send them home.
Paul asks Stephanie for the Hardcore Championship, which Stephanie says she can’t hand over. She appreciates the urn though and asks to have it. Paul laughs and says he’s not opening the urn until he gets the Hardcore Championship. Lesnar, not happy at all, grabs Paul and throws him across the office. Lesnar hands the urn to Stephanie and tells her to send them home now. Stephanie smiles and says ‘of course’, opening the urn.
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Photo Credit: WWE via WWE.com