Wrestling News
Kenny Omega Talks Bullet Club Leadership
So, here we are, two weeks after ROH Supercard of Honor XII, where the drama of Bullet Club has come to a head. The feud between Cody (Rhodes) and Kenny Omega finally came to a head, after a miscalculation from The Young Bucks, who would superkick Omega accidentally.
From the superkick, Cody would hit his finisher “Cross-Rhodes” to win the match. Afterward, he would name himself the leader of the Bullet Club. This is a feud that has been long in the making and has divided the group.
The animosity, which was documented in the popular YouTube show “Being The Elite” saw the group in shambles after episode 100, where Cody introduced a new member to the group… A teddy bear named “Burnard”… Yes, this isn’t a joke…
First official weekend as the leader for this group
…and it was all business!#Burnard ? pic.twitter.com/KIbBvjKZfE
— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) April 16, 2018
Of course, this prompted many fans to contact Omega, who was very distraught after the match. And many asked the all-important question:
Hey @KennyOmegamanX, so is @CodyRhodes officially the new leader of the Bullet Club?
— Dao Duc Linh (@ddlsora) April 16, 2018
Needless to say, Kenny Omega responded honestly and earnestly…
Of course not
— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) April 16, 2018
Where this leaves Bullet Club is pretty much anyone’s guess, as Cody believes that he is officially the leader, Omega is back in the tandem “The Golden Lovers” with Kota Ibushi, and The Young Bucks are still very much stuck in the middle.
Oh, and according to “Being The Elite”, Marty Scurll is signed to a multi-million dollar singing deal… Gotta love comedy…
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