Is Something Going on Between Nikki Bella and Dolph Ziggler?
Undoubtedly, one of the biggest shocks that the WWE handed us this year was the break-up between former WWE Divas Champion, Nikki Bella, and the top star of the company, John Cena. Despite plenty of online speculation that the wedding being called off was a complete farce, it truly seems that the two are done for good. After all, just a few months ago, Nikki made TMZ headlines while she was out house-hunting. This was a sure sign that things between her and Cena were finished.
Now, Nikki Bella has made numerous appearances since her split from Cena, and has maintained that she is single and uninterested in the dating game right now. She told PEOPLE magazine:
“Honestly, I’m so not interested. I’m just not ready yet. I’m trying to heal, and I’m not healed yet.”
However, it looks like she could be moving back into some familiar arms. Nikki Bella posted an Instagram story earlier this week which showed her drinking wine. But then, the camera panned to Dolph Ziggler, who looked slightly taken aback and was clearly thisclose to her. The entire interaction seems to be flirty, and has caused followers to wonder if something might be going on between them. Here’s an incriminating shot from Nikki’s Instagram:
It should be noted, of course, that Nikki and Dolph are no strangers to one another. Before Nikki moved into John Cena’s mansion, she was in love with Ziggler. They broke up, the rumored reasoning mostly due to infidelity on Ziggy’s part. The gossip also goes on to say that Nikki had been devastated by that break-up.
But man, weren’t they kind of cute?
Total Divas Storyline, or Real Life?
As much as it pains to say it, I loved the little Total Divas segment during season 5 where Dolph admits to Nikki he still has feelings for her. Although it was probably all for the show, it was still interesting to see him trying to win her over. During the season, Ziggler tells Nikki that he can give her the things that John Cena can’t: marriage and babies. In a weird turn of events, John Cena encourages his girlfriend to go back to Ziggler because of that.
She doesn’t, and ultimately, Nikki slaps Dolph. So long; farewell. Right?
Well, maybe not. But the more I consider it, the more I think that this might just be another stunt for Total Divas. The last time E! went this route garnered enough attention that doing it again wouldn’t be shocking. Casual fans or just those who just simply watch the reality show will eat it up like ice cream.
But Dolph isn’t Over Her in Real Life
In an interview, former WWE star JTG revealed that he doubted any wrestlers would make their move on Nikki out of respect for Cena. However, he did mention that if any one did try their luck, it would be Dolph Ziggler. This isn’t a big surprise, as rumors have whirled that Dolph and Cena have always been at odds with one another.
Ashley Sweetly Writes
To be honest, I think this new rumor is all a bunch of baloney. I like Dolph, but at this point, I really don’t think Nikki is going to have any interest in dating within the WWE, if at all. Maybe they are still good friends. Maybe it is a seed that has been planted for Total Divas or Total Bellas. Either way, I’m not reading too much into this. The evidence that they are secretly in love just isn’t there for me.
What do you guys think? Is there something more going on between Nikki Bella and Dolph Ziggler? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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Photo credit:
Dolph Ziggler-Nikki Bella, Instagram
Dolph/Nikki-candygyrl5223, via Flickr.com
Cover photo-fashnal, via Flickr.com