WWE 2K Story – Chapter Eleven, Part Four: The Curse’s Chamber
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Monday Night Raw
Shane McMahon starts the show in the ring, as he says witnessing another disaster is the final straw. Shane asks Kurt Angle to come to the ring first, which he does. He regrets to inform Kurt that he is fired per the deal containing his match with Mr. Perfect. Shane tells Kurt that his loss won’t go in vain and that Shane will save the WWE from his tyrant sister and brother-in-law. Kurt leaves the ring as Triple H immediately comes out, passing Kurt on stage with a smirk.
Triple H tells Shane they must put their war on pause because Jinder Mahal has his wife and is more powerful than anyone in WWE today. Shane scolds Triple H for his greed and carelessness, telling Hunter that Stephanie deserves to be that ‘psychopath’s’ prisoner. Triple H admits he even thought the power Jinder got from Shango’s curse was insane and wants to find Jinder to end it and return WWE to normal once and for all.
Time to Join Forces
Shane doesn’t trust Triple H, but Hunter reminds Shane that Shango is in a different time period and therefore no more curses can be cast. Triple H extends his hand to Shane, as Shane doesn’t buy it. Shane says actions speak louder than words and leaves the ring. Ultimate Warrior’s music hits! Warrior runs to the ring as the crowd erupts. Warrior talks about the Warrior Award and how awesome it is to personally see how his legacy has helped people in the future. He claims he is back, and motivated to win the WWE Championship. Triple H laughs and says there is no chance he is allowing Warrior to fight Kevin Owens, but Shane interjects.
Shane says Owens will defend his belt against Warrior and to make sure Owens can’t weasel his way out of another match, makes it an Elimination Chamber match! Triple H is not happy but goes along with Shane to try and earn his trust. Triple H says they will have qualifier matches tonight, with whats left of their roster.
Neville vs. WWE Light Heavyweight Champion Tyson (with Natalya)
Objective: Win with Neville
Neville grabs the microphone following his win. Neville says he left 205 in search of greater achievements, and that’s exactly what he wants. The King of the Cruiserweights officially calls out Tyson Kidd for his championship, but Triple H appears on the big screen. Triple H says that Neville is impressive and as part of trying to do things Shane’s way, suggests Neville compete in an Elimination Chamber match. Neville is thrilled to be in the WWE Championship match, but Triple H tells him that he’ll be in the Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber match instead. Neville is still pleased to hear the news.
WWE Champion Kevin Owens is in his locker room with Sami Zayn. Owens complains that Shane is taking out last night’s tragedy on him, making him face Warrior inside the Elimination Chamber. Zayn reveals to Owens that Triple H put him in the match already, without having to qualify. Owens admits what happened at Great Balls of Fire was insane and believes that it would be wise for them to keep their distance from Triple H for the time being.
Randy Savage & Eddie Guerrero vs. Heath Slater & Rhyno
Objective: Win with Randy Savage & Eddie Guerrero
We’re Not Fam
Savage grabs a microphone after the match. He claims people keep asking why he and Eddie turned their back on Cena and everyone else? Macho Man says the answer is quite simple, they don’t know Cena like they know Stephanie and Hunter. Eddie claims that Cena is not their friend and that once they saw the Maelstrom at Great Balls of Fire, they realized who the true villain is.
Eddie claims Cena’s obsession with finding Shango led to the tragedy last night, and they will be the ones to make sure it doesn’t happen again. John Cena interrupts and sarcastically applauds the two on their hard work. Cena has another theory for their betrayal, saying they are just cowards. John claims that when the going got tough, Eddie and Savage took the easy way out to survive.
Cena says they are delusional if they truly believe they are some sort of ‘protectors’. He says The Fashion Police have been here for months trying to solve the case, while Eddie and Savage have been in the past doing Slim Jim commercials and trying to hit on Chyna. Eddie and Savage are not happy to hear John’s insulting words. Cena says The Fashion Police are more brave than the two and suggests a qualifying Elimination Chamber tag team match between the two on Smackdown Live. Savage accepts.
All Aboard
Shane and Triple H are arguing over how to proceed finding Stephanie and Jinder. Shane thinks they should cut their losses but Triple H believes Jinder wants to rule WWE entirely. Suddenly, The Godfather walks in! He greets the two as Triple H says now is not the time for fun and games. Godfather says he isn’t here for that, and witnessed what happened at Great Balls of Fire. Godfather says he wants to help, and that he knows how they can stop Jinder Mahal.
Shane questions how Godfather would know, as Triple H reminds Shane that Godfather WAS Papa Shango in the past. Godfather admits that he is one of the personas Vince gave him to cover up Papa Shango’s existence in WWE and knows what needs to be done to defeat himself. Shane asks Godfather what they need to do, as Godfather replies that the Elimination Chamber event is ‘perfect timing’.
Edge vs. Christian
Objective: Win with Edge
The two friends shake hands after the match. Christian suddenly drills Edge in the back of the neck! Christian hits the Killswitch on Edge a few times, before officials come down to break it up. Christian spits on Edge and walks out of the ring, pleased with his work.
Renee Young is interviewing WWE Hardcore Champion Apollo Crews backstage. Young asks Crews how it feels to beat a hardcore legend? Apollo admits he is still freaked out by last night’s event but is happy to continue fighting for Mankind’s legacy. He is about to continue praising Mankind until Carmella interrupts.
Carmella says Crews got lucky last night and she knows someone who would easily take that belt off of him. Big Cass jumps Apollo from behind and tosses the TV monitor on top of him. Carmella says if Crews is man enough, he’ll put his belt on the line at Elimination Chamber against her boyfriend. The couple walks off as Crews remains beaten under the TV.
Braun Strowman vs. The Miz (with Maryse)
Objective: Win with Braun Strowman
Shane watches the match backstage and thinks that they should add another Elimination Chamber match for Lesnar’s WWE Universal Championship. Triple H wants to argue the idea but goes along with Shane’s decision. Shane makes it official, adding Strowman and Edge to the Universal Championship Elimination Chamber match. Triple H says that Shane is playing favorites, but Shane counters by saying if they are truly working together then there won’t be any ‘favorites’.
More Chambers Exist
Godfather enters the scene and asks the two if they understood everything he told them? Triple H claims he does, repeating that JBL’s limo is not the only curse chamber in WWE. He reveals the Elimination Chamber itself is another one, along with any other closed infrastructures that surround the ring. Shane finishes by repeating that if someone defeats Jinder Mahal inside the Elimination Chamber then he will lose his powers.
Godfather confirms all of this, claiming they are good listeners but their task is very dangerous. Triple H wants to throw Mahal into one of the championship chamber matches, but Shane says that’s not a good idea. Shane suggests having a separate Elimination Chamber match with Jinder involved, then they find the five most destructive superstars to take him on. Triple H, once again wanting to argue the suggestion, gives in and asks Shane who he has in mind?
Million Dollar Champion Dusty Rhodes vs. Bobby Roode (with Ted DiBiase)
Objective: Win with Bobby Roode
DiBiase helps Roode win the match, claiming that Roode is the only glorious enough superstar for the Million Dollar Man to work with. DiBiase says his new client will enter the WWE Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber, which prompts Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose to come out.
Ambrose says DiBiase is scum for turning his back on Rhodes, but DiBiase says everyone has a price. DiBiase offers Ambrose a large sum of money to vacate his belt to Roode right now. Ambrose says everyone may have a price, but he doesn’t. Ambrose tells DiBiase that he will walk out of the Elimination Chamber as Intercontinental Champion, and nothing will change who he is. Dean raises the title high in the air as DiBiase does his patent laugh in the ring.
Our Own Weapon?
Shane is in the backstage office with Triple H and Godfather. They are going over the roster to see who could take on Jinder Mahal. Godfather asks about Dolph Ziggler, who also seemingly got the same powers Jinder got. Triple H wants to ignore Dolph as a serious option, but Shane says Dolph may be their best bet to beat Jinder. Triple H says that if Dolph has the same power Jinder has then it’s too dangerous.
Shane remembers that Dolph didn’t attack everyone the way Jinder did, and actually started helping people by cleaning up after the massacre. Godfather says that makes sense since the curse brings out a person’s true demeanor. Since Jinder is an evil egomaniac, that’s what was personified; and vice versa for Dolph.
Shane says he is putting Dolph in the Elimination Chamber match against Jinder, which Triple H strongly disapproves. Shane and Godfather both think it’s a good idea. Triple H finally gives in but wants to select one person to compete without any argument from them. They all agree on those terms to make everyone happy. Shawn Michaels storms in not happy.
Friendly Tension
He’s upset Triple H just put him in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match instead of a rematch against Seth Rollins. Triple H backs his decision, saying he needs his friend in the chamber match to watch Kevin Owens’ back. Michaels is livid, claiming he is not Triple H’s ‘servant’ and fights his own battles. Michaels turns to Shane for help, but Shane says if Triple H made it official then there’s nothing he can do. Triple H smiles and tells Shawn he’ll get used to the times, saying they are still friends but now he is Shawn’s boss. Hunter claims that in a way, he owns him. Michaels Sweet Chin’s Godfather out of frustration and leaves upset.
Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre
Objective: Win with Roman Reigns
Shane helps Godfather out of Triple H’s office, saying that Shawn’s actions are Hunter’s fault. Triple H takes the blame and tells Shane to get Godfather to their medical team. Shane leaves with Godfather as Triple H moves to his desk. He opens a drawer to reveal he has Papa Shango’s hat, taking it from the chaos at Great Balls of Fire. He shows a sinister smile, then places the hat back in his office desk.
Smackdown Live
NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura heads to the ring. Nakamura says he witnessed first hand the destruction that took place at Great Balls of Fire. Nakamura says he is a Japanese warrior, and that he felt useless that he could not fight. He claims he can fight now and asks Shane how he can help? Triple H comes out instead and says that he is glad Nakamura wants to fight.
Another Chamber Added
Triple H says he promised someone a title opportunity for past services, as Elias drills Nakamura from behind with a guitar! Triple H reveals Nakamura will defend his NXT Championship against Elias at Elimination Chamber. Hideo Itami comes out and argues that he deserves the match instead, as he proved more valuable over a longer period of time than Elias. Shane pops up on the big screen and decides to settle everything by adding the three inside an actual Elimination Chamber!
Triple H says great idea and says Lars Sullivan is technically the number one contender still. Hunter adds Lars to the match. Shane cuts off Triple H and says it’s his turn to choose the final two entrants. Triple H argues that NXT is his company, and he knows the talent better than Shane. Shane ignores Triple H and puts both Kassius Ohno & Roderick Strong in the match. Triple H is clearly not happy with the decision, as Shane sees this. Shane tells Triple H if he has something to say, then say it. Triple H just smiles and says ‘all good,’ before dropping his smile and leaving clearly upset.
The Fashion Police vs. Randy Savage & Eddie Guerrero
Objective: Win with Randy Savage & Eddie Guerrero
Eddie grabs a microphone after the match and brags about winning with Savage. Savage says he thinks the WWE Championship would look great around his waist, as Eddie claims he wants the Universal Championship because it’s a belt he’s never won. The two enter into separate Elimination Chamber matches and patronize John Cena for thinking low of them.
Triple H and Shane are in the backstage office when the lights go out. They turn back on as Undertaker & Kane are there! Triple H tries to act cool, but Undertaker grabs Triple H by the throat. Shane tries to interject, but Kane holds Shane up with his fireball glove. Undertaker demands the location of his urn. Triple H can’t breathe and points to his office desk.
Kane takes the urn out of Triple H’s desk, not seeing Shango’s hat. Undertaker tells Triple H that he and his brother are entering the Elimination Chamber with Jinder Mahal. Kane says once they end Jinder, they are coming for Triple H. The two brothers leave, as Undertaker comments on possibly getting a better version of himself for the battle.
WWE Hardcore Champion Apollo Crews vs. Sami Zayn
Objective: Win with Sami Zayn
Carmella comes out moon-walking after the match, which Apollo sees. Big Cass drills Apollo from behind. Big Cass hits a Big Boot onto Crews, before powerbombing him onto a bunch of tacks. Cass calls Crews a fake Hardcore Champion and that he will dispose of Crews just like he did his former friend Enzo Amore.
Samoa Joe and Finn Balor are backstage talking to one another. John Cena approaches the two as they shake hands. Joe and Balor reveal they are in qualifying matches tonight for the WWE Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber. Cena wishes them luck, as WWE United States Champion Mr. Perfect and Curtis Axel approach.
A Perfect Champion
Perfect brags about being the one to personally rid the WWE of the ‘overrated’ Kurt Angle. Perfect tells the three that although Kurt Angle was an Olympian, he just wasn’t perfect enough to stick around. Cena says Perfect is impressive, which means his son is probably better. Axel smiles, as Perfect says his son is not even close to his level. Axel claims he has the same genes as his father, and that he could easily hold the United States Championship too. Perfect gets in his son’s face and says to not even think about it, before claiming they need to leave anyway. The father-son leave as Cena smiles, successfully planting the seed for a fallout between the two.
WWE United States Champion Mr. Perfect (with Curtis Axel) vs. Samoa Joe
Objective: Win with Samoa Joe
WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss is conducting an interview with Renee Young. Bliss claims Asuka wasn’t ready for her, and that the overrated Trish Stratus is delusional for demanding her championship. Trish approaches on cue to a loud cheer. Trish calls Alexa a spoiled brat, and although is impressive in the ring, lacks respect needed to become a legend like herself. Alexa calls Trish a has-been and says she has always been better. Bliss claims she used to want to be like Trish, but now she feels sorry for her. Alexa tells Trish she has a fivehead. Trish slaps Alexa as the two claw and brawl until officials break it up.
An Upset Beast
WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar barges into Shane and Triple H’s office, not happy about his belt being in an Elimination Chamber. Triple H advises Heyman to calm his beast down, but Brock picks up a laptop and chucks it into the wall. Triple H suggests they leave the office so no more property gets damaged. Lesnar asks Triple H if this is funny to him? Shane intervenes and reminds Lesnar nothing is funny with a mindless, rage-filled Jinder Mahal lurking the WWE.
Shane says their top priority is Jinder, then they will deal with any selfish needs Lesnar has. Brock gets into Shane’s face, then smiles, claiming he likes honesty. Brock leaves as Heyman chases his client out. WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss storms in, not happy about Trish interrupting her interview. Alexa demands Triple H use one of the time portals to send Trish back to where she came from. Shane says he has a better idea and schedules the two for a title match at Elimination Chamber. Alexa is not happy and leaves in frustration.
Finn Balor vs. Booker T.
Objective: Win with Finn Balor
WWE Undisputed Champion Seth Rollins is backstage with WWE Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns. Reigns reveals he is part of the Universal Championship Elimination Chamber match. Shawn Michaels walks by to interrupt, but not cause trouble. Michaels says that once he wins the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber, he is coming to get back ‘his’ Undisputed Championship.
Rollins makes jokes to Michaels, saying it’s too bad he can’t challenge for the belt sooner because he’s Triple H’s lapdog. Michaels laughs and tells Rollins to be careful what he says now because he will make Seth eat his words very soon. Shawn walks off as The Shield look on.
One of a Kind
Triple H tells Shane that they have one spot open in each Elimination Chamber title match. Shane says he already filled the final spot for the Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber, which confuses Hunter. In walks RVD! Shane says ‘right on time’. The two hug as RVD shakes Hunter’s hand. RVD says Shane offered him a legends contract and a spot in the Elimination Chamber upon returning. Triple H says ‘that’s great,’ but is clearly not happy.
John Cena enters in a panic but is thrown off to see RVD. The two shake hands, as John says it’s good to see RVD. John wants to know what Shane & Hunter’s plan is regarding Jinder Mahal’s Elimination Chamber match. Triple H says they are working on it, so John suggests Sting should enter! Triple H asks if he is still around, which Cena confirms. Cena says Sting is brave enough to take on Jinder Mahal, which Shane loves.
Shane puts Sting in the Elimination Chamber match and asks if the other two Stings are still around? Cena confirms they are, so Shane adds the other two Stings to both the Universal and WWE Championship Elimination Chamber matches. Triple H is clearly not happy. He tells John, sarcastically, that he loves his ideas so he thinks John will like his new suggestion. Triple H puts Cena into the Elimination Chamber match with Jinder Mahal, saying that since he has been fighting so bravely for so long that he deserves it. John is a bit worried at first, then says he will man up and take on the monsters if he has to. Cena leaves as Triple H suggests a ‘Sting-filled’ main event tonight since apparently, they’re all here.
Sting vs. Sting ’99 vs. Sting ’98
Objective: Win with Sting
Triple H and Shane are watching backstage, as Shane suggests the Sting who won should enter the Elimination Chamber with Mahal. Carmella walks in with Big Cass, asking when they will make his match with WWE Hardcore Champion Apollo Crews official? Shane says jumping people is not the answer, but Triple H says Big Cass deserves a chance and schedules the match for Elimination Chamber. Triple H says Carmella has been very loyal and wants to add her to the Smackdown Women’s Championship match.
One Final Chamber Added
Shane says he likes Trish & Alexa going one-on-one, so decides to add an Elimination Chamber match. Shane says that since Asuka is still recovering from Stephanie making her defend three belts in one night, he’s making it for the Divas Championship! He tells Carmella she can compete in the Divas Championship match and adds Naomi and Becky Lynch, claiming they have been overlooked all year. Triple H agrees, but says he gets to pick the final two women. He chooses Natalya & Sasha Banks. Shane & Triple H shake hands. Shane says it’s nice to finally work together instead of against one another. Triple H reminds Shane this alliance is only temporary until Sunday when they defeat Mahal and find his wife.
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