WWE 2K Story – Chapter Eleven: The Curse’s Chamber
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Monday Night Raw
Shane McMahon is in the ring to start the show, with WWE United States Champion Kurt Angle. He has the piece of paper he found in Stephanie’s office in his hand. Shane reveals he now has the timeshares of every single WWE Board of Directors member sent through the time portal. Shane wants to end this war with a proposition and asks Triple H or Stephanie to come out.
A Proposal
Triple H comes out on stage and admits he and Stephanie knew about Shane’s timeshare gain, trying to keep it a secret. Shane says their war has gone on long enough, and it’s time for the WWE to have one person lead the future. He proposes a match at Wrestlemania for all of the WWE timeshares. Shane wants a representative to fight for him and asks Triple H to select a representative as well.
The winner will get the loser’s timeshares, gaining all the decision-making power within the WWE. Triple H ponders the proposal and says he agrees on one condition, that Kurt Angle put his United States Championship on the line at Great Balls of Fire. Triple H says that if Kurt loses he will lose both his belt and his job in the WWE. Shane looks at Kurt, who agrees. Kurt tells Shane whatever happens, make sure he finishes the job at Wrestlemania. Shane and Kurt shake hands as Shane accepts Triple H’s counteroffer.
Dusty Rhodes (with Goldust) vs. Albert
Objective: Win with Dusty Rhodes
After the match, Booker T. ambushes Goldust outside the ring. Dusty goes to check on Goldust as Booker T runs off. Dusty grabs a microphone and tells Booker to come back and fight. Booker claims that all the money he made from DiBiase for fighting Goldust earlier in the month went to medical bills, and he isn’t jeopardizing injury for another fight. Dusty offers Booker more money to fight him and says he will ask DiBiase to even put his Million Dollar Championship up for grabs in a match against Booker. Booker yells, ‘Now I can dig that, sucka!’
WWE United Kingdom Champion Drew McIntyre is backstage with WWE Light Heavyweight Champion Tyson Kidd, Natalya and WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champion The Bar. WWE European Champion Rusev approaches with Aiden English reminding everyone what day it is. McIntyre scolds Rusev for being late to their meeting, and that Jinder Mahal is their top priority moving forward.
Respect Rusev Day
Rusev claims that he is the Bulgarian Brute, and can do as he pleases. McIntyre gets in Rusev’s face and says that their future depends on Jinder Mahal. Rusev isn’t buying it and claims he hasn’t even seen Jinder in weeks. McIntyre says there’s a reason for Jinder’s disappearance, and that they’ve been ordered to make sure it stays that way. Aiden English steps in between McIntyre and Rusev, demanding McIntyre show Rusev some respect. McIntyre slaps English and tells Aiden that he can earn respect in the ring tonight.
Seth Rollins vs. Rick Martel
Objective: Win with Seth Rollins
Rollins grabs a microphone after the match and demands his WWE Undisputed Championship rematch at Great Balls of Fire. Undisputed Champion Shawn Michaels comes out and begins laughing. Michaels said that the Royal Rumble was a cakewalk for him and that Seth Rollins doesn’t deserve a rematch. Rollins says that Shawn is lying and that he knows Michaels was scared to lose to someone who has been compared to his legacy.
Michaels tells Rollins he will give him his rematch if only to shut up the comparisons between the two. Michaels says he is the Heartbreak Kid and that at Great Balls of Fire, Rollins will be the ‘Jaw Broke Kid’. Shawn begins laughing on stage as Rollins looks on with intensity.
We’re Not So Different
WWE Hardcore Champion Apollo Crews is doing pull-ups backstage as Mankind approaches, squealing. Mankind praises Crews as Hardcore Champion, saying Crews has overcome the doubters who say he isn’t the prototypical Hardcore Champion. Apollo says he has fought adversity his whole life and uses it as a motivating tool.
Mankind completely agrees, saying he was the most nonathletic competitor in WWE but that never stopped him from making the Hall of Fame. Mankind offers his services to help guide Crews as a hardcore competitor, feeling that Triple H will stop at nothing to rip the belt off of Crews’ hands. Apollo agrees and is humbled Mankind would be so kind. The two shake hands.
WWE United Kingdom Champion Drew McIntyre vs. Aiden English (with WWE European Champion Rusev)
Objective: Win with Drew McIntyre
WWE Raw Women’s, WWE Smackdown Women’s and WWE Diva’s Champion Asuka is being interviewed backstage by Renee Young. Renee asks Asuka how it feels to make history and hoist all three women’s belts at once? Stephanie McMahon interrupts, clapping. She congratulates Asuka on winning the belts. She tells Asuka that as a holder of three different championships, she will have to defend all three in separate matches at Great Balls of Fire.
Asuka yells in Japanese, which startles Stephanie. Asuka claims she will win all three matches and that no one is ready for her! She begins yelling in Japanese intensely and getting in Stephanie’s face, so Stephanie runs away frightened.
A Warrior in the Community
Shane is in his office with WWE United States Champion Kurt Angle, trying to get him ready for his United States Championship match next week. Kurt asks where Ultimate Warrior is, as Shane reveals he left for business. With Wrestlemania close by, Warrior wanted to personally attend the Warrior Award recipient banquet and see the impact he has made in the future.
Angle reminds Shane of how Owens handled the WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble, as Shane claims he hasn’t forgotten. Shane reveals that Warrior will get another shot at Owen’s belt once he returns from his community work.
WWE Raw Tag Team Champion Mr. Perfect & Rick Rude enter, as Shane called them in. Shane says he still makes matches around here and that he is having the duo defend their Raw Tag Team Championship tonight against the Von Erichs. They are livid, as Shane says they should go get ready because their match is next! Rude says they need to go find Curtis Axel, but Perfect says his son is mad at him and won’t speak to him right now.
NORMAL TAG TEAM MATCH – WWE Raw Tag Team Championship
(C) Mr. Perfect & Rick Rude vs. The Von Erichs
Objective: Win with The Von Erichs
Curtis Axel is watching backstage and begins to laugh. He is approached by Triple H, who asks Axel how he is doing? Axel says he’s been better and asks what Hunter wants? Triple H says just a moment of time, as he puts his arm around Axel’s back. They walk away as Triple H begins talking about the importance of father-son relationships. Graves thinks Hunter wants to adopt Axel.
JBL’s limo is shown in the parking lot, as Dolph Ziggler is beating in the back of the trunk. No one can hear him. Jinder approaches and opens the trunk, but Dolph is tied up and can’t fight back. Mahal gives Dolph some food and water, revealing that he can’t let Dolph go because no one is supposed to know where Mahal is. Jinder says they are so close to achieving their goals, and that he can’t let anyone mess it up now. Mahal admits this will all be over soon, as he closes the trunk to a screaming Dolph Ziggler. Jinder disappears.
WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champion The Bar vs. #DIY
Objective: Win with #DIY
John Cena is backstage with The New Day. Stephanie, disgusted by New Day’s pancakes that they are eating, tells John that she has scheduled Apollo Crews to defend his WWE Hardcore Championship at Great Balls of Fire, along with new WWE Raw Tag Team Champion The Von Erichs. She gloats that they are closer to winning the entire war, and her family’s ability to see the big picture is why they are the most successful family in WWE history. Stephanie leaves as John considers Stephanie’s words.
Braun Strowman vs. Vader (with Sycho Sid)
Objective: Win with Braun Strowman
WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar comes out after the match and hits Strowman with multiple suplexes. Lesnar screams that no one is taking the belt off of him, as Andre the Giant’s music hits. Andre, with Paul Heyman, approach the ring and go eye-to-eye with Brock. Lesnar laughs and backs out of the ring.
Andre is staring Brock up the entrance ramp, as Strowman comes from behind. He hits Andre with a Running Powerslam which collapses the ring with Heyman, Vader and Sycho Sid in it! Sycho Sid’s leg snaps as he breaks his leg from the ring collapsing.
Smackdown Live
WWE Raw Women’s, WWE Smackdown Women’s & WWE Diva’s Champion Asuka vs. Carmella (with Big Cass)
Objective: Win with Asuka
Paige comes out after the match and beats the hell out of Asuka. Paige reveals she will get her Diva’s Championship rematch at Great Balls of Fire, in one of Asuka’s three matches that night. She hits Asuka with a Rampaige before leaving satisfied.
A Million Dollar Plan
Booker T is in Stephanie & Hunter’s office, begging for a match to win the Million Dollar Championship. Booker says a million dollars would look GOOD in his bank account. Triple H says there is no reward for risking the belt, as Booker suggests the loser of his match leaves through a time portal. Booker claims he will win the belt, keep it close to Hunter, while ridding the ‘annoying’ Rhodes family.
Stephanie likes the idea of getting rid of the Rhodes and suggests Triple H make the match. Triple H finally agrees and hands Booker T the briefcase, awarding him the Million Dollar Championship and rightful holder. Booker thanks Triple H and leaves.
Go to ‘My WWE’ and go to ‘title management’. Put the Million Dollar Championship on to Booker T.
WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champion The Bar vs. #DIY
Objective: Win with #DIY
The Bar viciously assault #DIY after the match, as WWE Light Heavyweight Champion Tyson Kidd and WWE United Kingdom Champion Drew McIntyre join in. WWE European Champion Rusev and Aiden English come down and turn on the international stars! ‘Rusev Day’ chants roar across the arena as the good guys begin to get the upper hand.
WWE United States Champion Kurt Angle comes out on stage, which stops the chaos. Angle says he spoke with Shane, and they agree that after two straight wins #DIY will get a WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match at Great Balls of Fire. The Bar is livid in the ring, as Angle also says that Rusev & McIntyre will compete at Great Balls of Fire. That match will be for both the United Kingdom and European Championships. Kurt says it’s true, it’s damn true!
A Rude Awakening
Rick Rude is backstage with Mr. Perfect. Rude asks Perfect when he wants to use his rematch clause for the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship? Perfect says he already spoke with Triple H and Stephanie for his championship match. Axel approaches and asks his father if he spoke with Hunter? Perfect says he did, and apologizes to his son for the way he treated him.
They hug as Rude mocks the two for being so ‘loving’ all of a sudden. Perfect turns to knock Rude out! He screams that no one talks to his son that way, and reveals the title match he got from Triple H wasn’t for the Raw Tag Team Championships. Perfect reveals the McMahons have other plans for ‘those’ belts, and that Rude is officially dead weight dropped. Axel and Perfect leave as Rude remains unconscious on the ground.
WWE Undisputed Champion Shawn Michaels & Razor Ramon vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins
Objective: Win with Michaels & Ramon
Michaels grabs the microphone and reveals that his longtime, respected rival Razor Ramon will get another title opportunity. Ramon grabs the microphone and says that he is coming for Ambrose’s belt at Great Balls of Fire. He claims to understand Shawn’s frustrations and hates that people compare Dean Ambrose to Scott Hall. Ramon says the comparisons for both stop next Sunday when they walk out champions. The two laugh and walk out of the ring, confidently.
Mankind is training Apollo Crews somewhere backstage. He makes Apollo eat raw eggs, which he throws up. Mankind breaks beer bottles over Crews’ head and then makes Crews walk on the broken glass. Mankind is preparing to make Crews eat garbage, but Crews stops him. Apollo doesn’t see the logic, but Mankind argues that Crews needs to become familiar with trash because trash cans are used in hardcore matches quite often.
They are suddenly ambushed by Cactus Jack (’98) who is back! Jack reveals Triple H opened the time portal to bring more people over and grab the remaining belts he needs. Jack says he is the greatest hardcore legend of all time and scolds Mankind for helping such an ‘unworthy’ champion. He drills Crews with ‘Barbie’, making him bleed. Jack drags Mankind away, as Crews lays in a puddle of his own blood.
WWE Champion Kevin Owens (with Sami Zayn) vs. Dusty Rhodes (with Goldust)
Objective: Win with Dusty Rhodes
Million Dollar Champion Booker T ambushes Dusty Rhodes after the match with his new Million Dollar Championship. Booker hits a Scissors Kick onto Rhodes, as Zayn beats Goldust down outside the ring. Owens hits a Popup Powerbomb onto Dusty, as Ted DiBiase comes out to protect Dusty and his son from a further beat down. Owens wants to continue, but Booker leads him out of the ring and up the ramp along with Sami.
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Photo Credit: WWE via WWE.com