Sonya Deville Announces She will be on Season 9 of Total Divas
In case you couldn’t find an honorable excuse to make for still tuning into Total Divas every fall, now it seems there’s a redeemable trait E! Network will be adding to this show. According to Miss “Put Your Hair Up and Square Up” herself, Sonya Deville will be part of the ninth season of Total Divas.
Reality Gets Real
This Tuesday, after SmackDown Live went off the air, Sonya Deville called into Afterbuzz TV. Of course, the topic of choice is Sonya’s part on the blue brand. However, Sonya takes the hosts interest by mentioning something exciting she wants to talk about.
After talking a little about her and Mandy Rose’s part on SmackDown Live, Sonya mentions she will be part of season nine of Total Divas. She mentions they started filming a little bit during the Royal Rumble this year, but official filming starts within the next few weeks.
Sonya says she is a little nervous about the whole “reality” aspect of the show. But she does say she’s ready to show the world who she really is to hopefully get fans to understand who she is better. Sonya says that the show will feature her girlfriend, who she says isn’t as used to the public eye as she is. However, Sonya says that she is ready to show off that part of her personal life and her girlfriend is too.
To add to the excitement of Total Divas featuring everyone’s favorite LGBT ex-MMA fighter, Sonya also says that DaMandy’s Doughnuts will continue on a weekly basis. She mentions that being able to take the time to do the things she loves with friends and loved ones will always be part of her life, no matter what may come her way.
To listen to the entire Sonya Deville Afterbuzz TV episode, click here.
Personally, I think Total Divas has hit a bit of a slump in recent seasons. But, hopefully, Sonya’s presence brings something new to the show.
Mocial Sedia
Sonya Deville’s had more luck with the ladies than 90% of our writing team…
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Photo credit to Quokka Brenda via Twitter