Top 10 Possible Goodbyes in 2019
Ah, yes. With 2019 right around the corner, it should come as no surprise that the WWE is already thinking about clearing house. After all, we saw Emma disappear from the Women’s Division and were absolutely shocked. So, here’s a quick list of the top possible goodbyes that we could see come 2019.
1. Shelton Benjamin
Unfortunately for Shelton, his time spent with the WWE during this run has been anything but memorable. He could have done great things with Chad Gable, except that didn’t really work out. Back in the day, he would have been a high-qualifier for the United States Championship. But let’s face it, unless he’s got a buddy in management, it is unlikely that he will see gold anytime soon. In this case bad writing, a bit of ring rust, and not connecting with the crowd just shows that Shelton may have been better off without the WWE.
2. Mickie James
Last year, Mickie James saw herself up against Alexa Bliss for the RAW Women’s Championship at TLC. Unfortunately, Bliss was able to win against Mickie, pretty much closing the door on that opportunity ever again. It looked like after that match, James was going to hang up her boots for good. Her post-match interview left many wondering if she would join fellow legends, Lita and Trish Stratus, on the sidelines.
However, Mickie has remained busy with the WWE, often helping out her former enemy, Alexa Bliss, retain the RAW Women’s Championship. But as 2018 comes to a close, it is becoming more apparent that Mickie James will likely retire.
The most commonly believed scenario would be that she helps Trish Stratus conquer Alexa during the all-women’s PPV, Evolution. Although an overall boring return to the WWE, she will be cementing herself in history alongside Trish, who ultimately helped guide her to the top. In fact, seeing her slated for the Hall of Fame class of 2019 is seeming very likely.
3. Rhyno
Once again, age becomes apparent with the character. Rhyno was hugely popular during his ECW days. Sadly, since then, his only notable achievements include….Heath Slater. Okay, cool. It’s obvious that he has slowed down quite a bit over the years. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t look good for tag teams overall in the WWE, let alone the team of Rhyno and Slater.
4. Heath Slater
But he’s got kids!
Well, hear me out. Without Rhyno, there really isn’t a place for him on the roster. He could be a singles competitor, but for what? The Cruiserweight belt? I don’t know about you, but I just don’t see Heath Slater making it by himself. He’ll join his Nexus friends in other wrestling circuits. That’s not to say that the “chick from Wendy’s” couldn’t be successful elsewhere, because he certainly could. I just think that as the WWE continues to grow and bring in more people, they will let go of characters who don’t have two legs to stand on.
5. The Big Show
With Mark Henry’s retirement, it’s really just a matter of time before Show is gone, too. And that’s okay!
Show doesn’t really have anything left to accomplish with the company. He’s done it all. At this point, there is no reason for him to be around, continuously changing from heel to face without reason. The only thing I could see happening with him at this point is aligning him with The Authority once again. That seemed to work alright.
Except, of course, The Authority seems to have dissipated.
6. Dolph Ziggler
Despite many rumors that Dolph signed a huge deal to stay with the WWE, he’s been very vocal that those reports are false. Sure, Ziggler has found success with Drew McIntyre, but for how long? To me, it looks like they are only using Dolph to build up Drew. In the long run, these two will end up feuding, with Drew overthrowing Ziggler.
This is especially unfortunate because Dolph has plenty of talent, but doesn’t seem to get the push he needs. Additionally, with poor character development, he hasn’t been able to sniff the top of the mountain since having Vickie Guerrero at his side.
On the bright side, Dolph has a great career ahead of him as a stand-up comedian.
7. Goldust
I love me some Goldie. That’s why this one’s a hard one to stomach. But the truth of the matter is that Goldust is just kind of old.
Unfortunately, he is another character that hasn’t been utilized properly for many years. His time with Cody Rhodes was great, undoubtedly. But with Cody doing his own thing, it is just a matter of time before he joins his brother outside of the company.
Unfortunately for Dustin, it’s hard to separate the man from Goldust. Sure, he could wrestle for Ring of Honor and still hang with some of the best. But for the most part, Goldust is a character that cannot simply be forgotten. With having WWE on his resume for so long, however, they probably have the rights to his character. It doesn’t look likely, then, that Goldust could be a character in any other promotion outside of the WWE.
It’s most likely we’ll see Goldie retire for good, finding peace with helping out in Orlando’s NXT training facility, much like Dusty Rhodes. This could be good, however; 2019 looks to be promising for new signees.
8. R-Truth
R-Truth has had some hilarious bits in the WWE. From Little Jimmy to the Mixed Match Challenge, he’s managed to stay relevant despite age and declining popularity.
But that’s where it ends. It seems that Truth doesn’t have a steady storyline or, really, a reason to be around at all. He’s hinted in the past that he’s looking at retirement, and 2019 might be the year he finally does it.
9. Kane
This is one that should come as no surprise.
With Kane winning mayor of Knox County, he can only commit to minimal appearances. For fans, that means the Big Red Machine won’t be able to pull off double-duty forever.
On one hand, it’s great that he’s found something outside of the squared circle to keep him occupied. It’s something great that can continue to push him on to bigger and better things through his life. But on the other hand, it is unlikely he’ll be a mainstay with the company for much longer. 2019 could be the time he decides to let go of the mask forever.
10. The Undertaker
This is one that should have stayed “retired.”
But it looks like Taker will face Shawn Michaels in a slew of matches on the Road to WrestleMania.
Perhaps they will finally retire, for good, together.
Other possible releases/retirements/leaves
Although these are my top 10 likely candidates to leave the WWE, there are a few others that I wouldn’t really be shocked to see leave, either.
Alicia Fox: What is her purpose? I like her fine. Yes, she’s been around for a while. But I just don’t see her doing much more with her career.
Ronda Rousey: Hear me out. The rumor is that this big push on Rousey is because she wants to start a family. Before doing that, she wanted to try a career with the WWE. Well, she’s got that going for her, so now what?
Naomi: Same thing as Ronda. It’s almost time for Naomi to have children of her own. She’s hinted at it before on Total Divas.
Brie Bella: She’s made it very clear that she would be trying for another baby very soon.
Rusev: If/when “Rusev Day” dies out, he might be looking to another company who can properly utilize his character. As a matter of fact, he already hinted that he was not happy with the way his career was going just a year ago. Would it be shocking for him to go to another company? No! But, sorry, guys. That means Lana would go along.
Natalya: Another one who may or may not have children. Although she’s said she is perfectly happy with cats, she has seemingly become more open to the idea of children after babysitting for Brie.
The Ascension: Aside from the funny business with Fandango and Tyler Breeze, they haven’t, and likely won’t, achieve success. These two may be better off with Impact.
Who do you think will be gone from the WWE by 2019? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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Picture credit: Audrey Le Pennec via flickr