Upcoming Independent Wrestling Shows for 7/7-7/8
Hello everyone, we know that with it being summer, there are bound to be plenty of shows going on over the course of the summer. Plenty of independent wrestling shows to fill your pallet. Here are your upcoming wrestling shows for this weekend:
Local Indies:
West Coast Wrestling Connection will be doing TV tapings this weekend, on both July 7th and the 8th, and will come to you LIVE from Camp Withycombe, in Clackamas, Oregon. For tickets, visit: https://west-coast-wrestling-connection.myshopify.com.
This Saturday, Continental Championship Wrestling will be at the National Peanut Festival Fairgrounds in Dothan, AL. Bell time is 7:30 PM. For tickets and info, visit: https://www.facebook.com/continentalchampionshipwrestling.
New South Pro Wrestling will be at the Morgan County Fairgrounds this Saturday, in Decatur, AL. Bell time will be 7:30, and you can find more info by visiting: https://www.facebook.com/NewSouthprowrestling.
Also on Saturday, if you happen to be in Hazel Green, AL, Rocket City Championship Wrestling will be LIVE, holding a show at Cosmos Fitness, 14981 Hwy 231 431 N. For match listing, check out: https://www.facebook.com/Rocketcitychampionshipwrestling.
Southern Legacy Wrestling will be rocking the Munford Community Center on Saturday in Munford, AL, bell time is 7:30. 105 Lions DR. Check out http://slwrevolution.com/ for more info.
New Japan Pro Wrestling looks to take the Cow Palace by storm on Saturday, 2600 Geneva Ave, Dale City, CA, bell time at 5 PM. https://www.njpw1972.com.
International Indies:
Coming to you from Tessenderlo, Belgium, Flemish Wrestling Force will be holding shows on both Saturday and Sunday. The location for the show is De Griffel, Tushoekstraat 1, 3980. For more info, visit: https://www.facebook.com/flemishwrestlingforce.
July 7th and the 8th, Pro Wrestling Showdown will be invading El JEFE Wild West Brew Fest in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Show start time for both shows will be 11 AM, and the address for the show is Westerdoksdijk 705C, 1013 BX. For tickets and info, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/432357657240076/.
Monster Pro Wrestling will be at the Alberta Avenue Community Centre, which is located at 9210 118 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, with a bell time of 2 PM. For more info, check out https://www.facebook.com/MonsterProWrestling.
Riot City Wrestling…
…Will be in action on Saturday, coming to you from Unit 5, 4 Coglin ST, Hindmarsh, South Australia, Australia. 7:30 bell time, and you can find out more at https://www.facebook.com/riotcitywrestling.
If you are in New Westminster, British Colombia, Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling will be at the Sapperton Pensioners Hall, 318 Keary St, and bell time is 7 PM. For tickets, info, and to see photos of the stars of ECCW, check out https://www.facebook.com/EliteCanadianChampionshipWrestling.
A 6:30 PM bell time is set for the PWA Canada Wrestling show, which comes to you from 652-A H’Kusam Way, Sayward, BC. You can visit https://www.facebook.com/pwacanadawrestling for tickets and info, as well as giveaways, pics, and videos.
We here at TSJ101Sports always encourage our readers to check out leagues outside of the majors; if for no other reason than that of seeing a future superstar taking their first steps into the public eye.
Besides, you never know when you’ll see the next AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, EC3 or Drew McIntyre. Independent wrestling shows are more intimate, full of excitement, and always unpredictable.
And for those who are interested in independent wrestling, we will be having interviews with some indy stars coming soon. So, stay tuned, as we will be bringing you these interviews over the course of the summer.
We will also post up more info from here on out on all of your favorite independent wrestling promotions, and stars.
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